
Foto: Helen Eriksen

På Oslo Negativ presenterer Tenthus fotografene Stefan Schröder, Joanna Chia-yu Lin, Ebba Moi, Stan D'Haene, Helen Eriksen og Shahrzad Malekian.

Stan D’Haene

Stan D’Haene, was born in 1994 in Belgium, and lives in Oslo, Norway. Their practice is rooted in their methodology of Gardening as Lifestyle as Art, which is based on extracting rituals and tools from gardening, exploring how they can be reconsidered in lifestyle-based practice, and synthesized artistically. Some techniques central to their work are installation, performance, and post-vandalistic interventions. They investigate self-organized dissemination via small-press and video and alternative exhibiting approaches such as off-site and online. They invite you to travel along and explore the value of process-oriented art, open scripts, and the spiritual experience of the journey. D’Haene is a member of the Tenthaus collective since 2019, and a member of the Graa collective since 2022. Since 2018 they annually perform a participatory spring ritual with Bart Van Dijck. They hold an MFA from KASK, Ghent.

Joanna Chia-yu Lin

Joanna Chia-yu Lin explores the interplay between memories and present moments through various mediums, including photography, painting, textiles, and installations. Her works delves into the space between spoken words and silences, where memories linger.

Born in 1995 in Chiayi, Taiwan, and based in Oslo, Norway, Joanna holds a master's degree in Medium and Materials-Based Art from the Oslo National Academy of the Arts and a bachelor's degree in Fine Arts from National Taiwan Normal University. Her exhibitions include solo shows at Kunstplass and the Photo Festival Oslo Negativ, and group shows at Gilhus Gård, Drammens Museum, and Northing Space. Upcoming exhibitions are scheduled at Tenthaus and Fotografiens Hus. She joined Tenthaus art collective in 2022 and has been part of LNM and NBK since 2021.

Her works are in the collections of Västra Götalandsregionen, Sweden, and Art Bank Taiwan at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.

Shahrzad Malekian:

Shahrzad Malekian is an interdisciplinary artist who works with moving images, performance and sculpture/installation – often in combination. In their artistic practice, Malekian often uses the body as a medium to explore social, cultural and political stances, norms and structures. Malekian also employs strategies such as collaboration and participation to explore performativity and interaction between art institutions and public spaces.

Their work has been shown in exhibitions and museums in Iran, Brazil, the US, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Portugal and the UK. Their video works have been selected for the Rotterdam International Film Festival (2013), Gothenburg International Film Festival (2013) and Doclisboa (2019).

Malekian holds a BFA in Sculpture from Tehran University of Art and an MFA in Art and Public Space from Oslo National Academy of Art, Norway. They are part of Tenthaus collective as a curator, artist and researcher.

Stefan Schröder:

Stefan Schröder works with various artistic expressions such as drawing, photography, sculpture, installation, and participatory art. He finds the driving force for many works in encounters with people, places, and stories, but also through materials and processes. Serial production over some long periods characterises the artist’s work process. With education in construction and art, the artist explores the intersections of both fields. This has resulted in more than ten art commissions in Germany and Norway in the last 25 years. Since 2004, Schröder has highlighted the hidden labour in the art field and beyond various work situations through an ongoing photographic self-portrait series he calls for Contributor. Common Alphabet is another ongoing work that results in abstract drawings, paintings, and sculptures. Schröder is one of the founding members of the Oslo-based artist-run space and art collective Tenthaus.

Helen Eriksen:

Helen Eriksen, born in Liverpool in 1964, is a visual artist and researcher. They studied at the University of East Anglia (UEA) in the UK and at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO) and the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) in Norway. They hold a doctorate in Art in Context from the University of Agder (UiA), focusing on representations of diversity and inclusion.

During her doctoral studies, Eriksen explored how racialising identity and categorising art support Whiteness in Norwegian education systems. They found that inherited modern artistic conventions and practices perpetuate racial hierarchies by negating the value of collective endeavour whilst maintaining disciplinary exclusivity.

Eriksen works with various techniques, including sculpture, lens-based works, drawing, and textiles. Storytelling, which combines text with 2D and 3D imagery, is fundamental to their practice. They consider her art activities a form of public pedagogy in classrooms and public spaces. These activities include performance lectures, workshops, discussions, and games.

They recently exhibited at Gildhus Gård in Lier, participated in the Norwegian Drawing Triennial, and delivered a keynote lecture on visual racialising practices at Lund University, Sweden. Eriksen co-founded and collaborates with the Tenthaus Art Collective, Solmaz Collective, and Stitch Sisters. In 2023, Eriksen co-curated Momentum 12, the Nordic Biennial of Young Art, and the Norwegian Drawing Triennial with the Tenthaus Collective.  

Utstillingen finner du i rom 15.

Tenthaus er et visningssted og kunstnerkollektiv som har hatt ulike konstellasjoner siden 2009. Preget av en åpen, prosessorientert form for deltakelse og samarbeid, er fokuset på lokale kontekster, utforskning av det kollektive og inkludering gjennom ulike former for deltakelse.
Tenthaus begynte som et kunstnere-i-skolen-prosjekt i Oslo. Over et tiår senere opprettholder kollektivet sterke relasjoner til samfunnet, mens de arbeider for å dyrke og pleie sitt eget miljø. Det omfatter et utstillingsrom og et mobilt studio, samt et bredt spekter av kuratoriske prosjekter.
Ved å jobbe med diskursive arrangementer, radio, forskning, utveksling, workshops og utstillinger med internasjonal orientering, bringer hvert av medlemmene et distinkt sett med ferdigheter, praksis og kulturell kunnskap, og det særegne resultatet av deres samarbeid og kollektiv diskusjon er synlig gjennom deres arbeid.





Vasli Souza